Thursday, March 7, 2013

Interesting Things on the Internet

I'm laying low this week and next due to massive day job deadlines. Love the day job, but there are occasionally weeks that put all the stress of the publishing industry to shame.  To survive, I slouch about muttering NIN lyrics and reminding myself that this is why they pay engineers the big bucks.  So, no deep thoughts or even cool pictures this week.  (Haha, I know, as if I ever have the time and/or brainpower to write deep thinky blog posts.  But you know.  Hope springs eternal.)  Instead, I shall share a few interesting things I've stumbled over in the past week while procrastinating taking brain breaks.  Because other people *do* have time to write deep thinky blog posts, thank goodness!

Oh, and The Whitefire Crossing has gotten a few new reviews lately - nice to see people are still discovering the book!
  • A review at Worlds Without End for their Women in Genre Fiction Month (check out all the other reviews of female-authored fantasy! Loads of excellent new books to discover.)
  • A review at the blog Adventures in Vanaheim
  • I'd rather have a detailed, thought-provoking mixed review than a super-short glowing one any day of the week. (Unless the super-short one is from an editor saying, "I want to buy your next 10 books," haha!)  As proof, I offer you this review at Ladybusiness, which is probably the longest and most conflicted review that Whitefire will ever get.  Also, it has hilarious gifs. Seriously, I love this reviewer for taking the time to discuss the book in such detail, both good and bad!  


  1. Good luck with the work. Remember that spring and the mountains are right around the corner!

  2. Thanks, maine! Yeah, you can tell it's spring already in Colorado, because the weather's all over the place. Last week we had a surprise snowstorm, then 70 degree beautiful days, then a predicted snow that didn't show, now high winds. I must say I can't wait to go hiking...
